2323 Royal Windsor Dr, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5, Canada
Products/Services offered:
Wire drawing powders; greases & pastes; liquid & synthetic lubricants for ferrous & non-ferrous processes; lubricants with extreme pressure & boundary lubricant additives; precoats for carbon & stainless steel & nickel alloys; acid inhibitors; rust preventatives; wire cleaners; welding wire arc stability & feed-aids; and floor & equipment cleaners.
2323 Royal Windsor Dr, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5, Canada
Products/Services offered:
Wire drawing powders; greases & pastes; liquid & synthetic lubricants for ferrous & non-ferrous processes; lubricants with extreme pressure & boundary lubricant additives; precoats for carbon & stainless steel & nickel alloys; acid inhibitors; rust preventatives; wire cleaners; welding wire arc stability & feed-aids; and floor & equipment cleaners.