The New England Chapter outlined what will be presented at its educational event at the RFS plant in Meriden, Connecticut.
The event, which starts at 3:30 pm, will include an overview of RFS and its cable-related markets, followed by a tour with five stops, where line managers will make brief presentations on their different coax, fiber and antenna products. Following the tour, attendees will regroup for a networking dinner at River, a restaurant in Wethersfield.
The event is limited to 50 attendees, and registration will close on Oct. 25. A wait list will be available once the event is full. The cost for the event is $125 for non-WAI members, with a $25 discount for WAI New England Chapter members. RFS leadership team is choosing a charity that the New England Chapter will make a $1,000 donation to on their behalf.
Registration can be done at the chapter website.
For more details, contact: John Markowski, at tel. 203-458-4044,