Wire Journal Reference Guide and Industry Search Listings
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It is time to update company listings for the printed 2025 Wire Journal Reference Guide and online Industry Search.
One entry covers both listings.
How to update your company’s listing(s)
- Existing WJI Reference Guide listing owners will be requested via email to reset their password on WAI’s temporary website “wirenext.org”.
- Visit wirenext.org and click on the “Login” option at the top-right of the website; then click on the “Forgot password” link in the lower right-hand corner.
- Check your spam folders for the email titled “Wire and Cable Association | The Wire Association International, Inc.” to reset your password. Follow the directions to reset your password to continue.
- Once logged in to wirenext.org, notice the “Login” option changes to “My Account.” When you hover over the “My Account” option, you will see “My Listings”; select that option. You will be brought to your account page where you will see all your listings that you are able to edit.
- To edit the listing, click the triple dots at the bottom right-hand corner of the listing, and then select the “edit” option. Your listing will appear, and you can update the information.
- You have two choices when your changes are complete. You can: “Submit listing” for review by WAI, or “Preview listing”, to see the changes that you made before submitting them to WAI. By selecting this option, your browser will open another tab, so you do not lose your changes. Close the preview tab to get back to your changes and then submit them.
- If you have more than one listing, click on the “My Listings” option under “My Account” to see any others you wish to check.
- Updates submitted by November 30 will appear in the subsequent year’s printed edition.
- Questions? Email us at wise@wirenet.org for our staff to help you out.
Want to stand out?
You can upgrade your listing to either: Club, Premier, or Elite. Click on the “Package options” button to see what these upgrades include for both online and the printed copy of the 2025 WJI Reference Guide.
How to add a new listing:
- If you have an existing wirenet.org account, please reset your password by selecting the “Login” option at the top-right of the new wirenext.org website. Click on the “Forgot password” link in the lower right-hand corner to reset your password and then proceed to step 2. If you are new to WAI, create an account by selecting “Login” at the top right of the page, click “Create account,” complete the information, and verify your new account by the email that will be sent to you.
- To first verify that your company does not already have a listing at your location, select “Directory” at the top of the wirenext.org website.
- Type in the beginning of your company name to see if a listing is there. Please note, there could be more than one listing if your company has more than one location. Verify those listings to make sure you are adding a new location. If the location is already in, you can request to claim it by selecting the “Claim Listing” button on the listing on the top right.
- If no locations match your location, just click the “+ Add Listing” button on the top right-hand side of the website.
- Questions? Email us at wise@wirenet.org for our staff to help you out.